The art of Alchemy, which dates back twenty-five hundred years, is a process by which the transmutation of common metals into gold can be achieved. The process taking place in Alchemy serves as a representation of the spiritual evolvement from dense and imperfect towards expansion of consciousness and completion. As the dissolution of material form takes place, this dissolution reveals more deeply the true intentions of our life journey. 

Legend states that in order for this evolution of form into formless to take place, the seeker must make the philosopher’s stone; the mystic key which when possessed brings enlightenment upon the maker and enables them to conclude Magnum opus– The Great Work.  Pieces created with this knowledge encapsulate the essence of consciousness, the unification of the limited with the unlimited, and bridge the gap between man and God.

Tara Mozafarian

My experience in the realm of Alchemy began with copper, one of the most common metals used in the process. The elemental mystery and challenge of copper called to me, and I began creating various works.  On a spiritual journey my consciousness expanded, and this expansion revealed itself through my art. A glimpse into the evolution of this process is displayed here.

I stumbled onto the philosopher’s stone the moment I realized the creativity and consciousness I found within myself was already present all around me, especially within the copper. I allowed the cosmic intelligence that formed the stars in the sky and the flowers in the ground to fuel these works by allowing the copper to react and form naturally. In line with the fluidity of life, the copper works continue to evolve even after the last touches of my brush, giving me continued inspiration.

I stumbled onto the philosopher’s stone the moment I realized the creativity and consciousness I found within myself was already present all around me, especially within the copper. I allowed the cosmic intelligence that formed the stars in the sky and the flowers in the ground to fuel these works by allowing the copper to react and form naturally. In line with the fluidity of life, the copper works continue to evolve even after the last touches of my brush, giving me continued inspiration.

The Alchemical series is comprised from acrylic glass along with the copper.  Transforming under the guidance of Divine Intelligence, the work in this series can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years to reach its final form. 

The works in the Alchemical series are fueled by the universal intelligence; the copper reacts and forms naturally revealing the creativity and consciousness already present in it.

More Alchemical Pieces

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